At Complexions RX, we use the latest microneedling technology to turn your skin smooth and beautiful. Vivace® technology uses radiofrequency and microneedling to eliminate acne scars, pigments, fine lines, and more. After treatment, the Vivace® device promotes rapid healing by encouraging collagen and elastin growth.
One of the main advantages that Vivace® Radiofrequency Microneedling has over traditional microneedling is the skin tightening capacity. Vivace® utilizes a robotic motor that gently punctures the skin with precision.
Along with Vivace®, we also offer Rejuvapen® microneedling services. This non-surgical, non-laser treatment boosts collagen development for new skin turnover. As a result, your skin health will improve. Clients often report fewer wrinkles, fine lines, smaller pores, and a clean, renewed look.